
As a Doctor, I See Aging Differently

When ‌‌doctors talk about patients in the hospital, we so often begin with age. A 75-year-old man with shortness of breath. A 30-year-old woman with joint swelling. Knowing our patients’ ages allows us to focus on the most likely diagnoses and to develop a mental image of the patient before we enter the room.

But it also serves another purpose. ‌Doctors find ourselves using age to frame the patient’s story and in effect to grade its degree of tragedy. A college student dying from respiratory failure after the flu is unacceptable, an end we must fight against with all that we have.…  Seguir leyendo »

Soy médica y cambié mi modo de ver el envejecimiento

Cuando los médicos hablamos sobre los pacientes en el hospital, por lo general, su edad es de lo primero que mencionamos. Un hombre de 75 años con dificultad para respirar. Una mujer de 30 años con inflamación articular. Saber las edades de nuestros pacientes nos permite enfocarnos en el diagnóstico más probable y desarrollar una imagen mental del paciente antes de entrar a su habitación.

Pero esto también tiene otra función. Los médicos usamos la edad para contextualizar la historia del paciente y en efecto medir su nivel de tragedia. Una estudiante universitaria que está en peligro de fallecer por insuficiencia respiratoria tras una gripe es inaceptable, algo que debemos combatir con toda nuestra capacidad.…  Seguir leyendo »

Israeli entrepreneur Yuri Milner, from left, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and Google co-founder Larry Page © Rory Griffiths/FT/AP

When Nir Barzilai specialised in anti-ageing science 30 years ago, it was an act of hope. Now, the Israeli-American scientist believes the world is on the cusp of turning hope into reality, finding transformational drugs that prevent the effects of ageing that used to be viewed as inevitable.

“We are done with hope and promise. We are at the point between having promise and realising it”, says the director of the Institute for Aging Research at New York’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

He plans to run a huge flagship trial to test whether a cheap generic diabetes drug — metformin — can extend lifespan by years, after a promising UK study of real world patients.…  Seguir leyendo »