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The return of former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide and his family to Haiti ends seven long years of campaigning – the 92% of voters who elected him had never accepted his overthrow in 2004 by a US-backed military coup. They risked their lives against a UN occupation that killed and brutalised thousands to demand his return. And last Friday he flew back from South Africa, where he had been living in forced exile, to a rapturous welcome in Port-au-Prince.

I was one of those waiting to greet him at his modest house, from where he was kidnapped seven years ago. Some of the waiting crowd were former political prisoners, others were visiting from exile.…  Seguir leyendo »

In Haiti, there’s a worker called a bayakou. The bayakou comes in the middle of the night to clean latrines, which generally get shoveled out only once every year or so.

Few people ever see a bayakou. In fact, he has a status somewhere between a magical, fairy-tale figure and an untouchable. To get a bayakou to come and do his work, a homeowner must negotiate with a middleman who arranges the assignment, but won’t let you know exactly when the cleaner is coming. You tell the middleman where you want the sewage from the latrine buried; he tells you that during the next three nights, you shouldn’t worry if you hear a noise in your garden.…  Seguir leyendo »

Erika Casajoana, consultora política (LA VANGUARDIA, 03/01/06):

Haití debería haber celebrado elecciones municipales, legislativas y presidenciales entre octubre y diciembre de 2005. Según la Constitución, el nuevo presidente deberá tomar posesión este febrero, pero tras el cuarto aplazamiento de las elecciones, y sin que haya de momento una nueva fecha, los haitianos permanecen a la espera.

Cuando el presidente haitiano Jean-Bertrand Aristide perdió el poder ante una rebelión armada en febrero de 2004 y huyó del país, le sucedió de forma provisional el presidente del Tribunal Supremo, Boniface Alexandre. Días más tarde un Consejo de Sabios nombró como primer ministro a un antiguo funcionario de la ONU residente en Florida, Gérard Latortue.…  Seguir leyendo »