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When my parents went to schedule my older brother's baptism at a Catholic church, the priest told them their baby was a bastard. Because my parents were married in the Episcopal Church, their child was, in the eyes of the Catholic Church, illegitimate.

The bastard comment became a family joke, and my father eventually brought his Episcopalian-baptized kids back to the Catholic Church. Yet, it's hard for me to ignore the fact that the Catholic Church still doesn't see my parents' relationship as valid even after 38 years of marriage. To be an American Catholic today is to live with a tension between church teachings and the beliefs born of one's daily reality.…  Seguir leyendo »

Con su nueva exhortación apostólica “Amoris Laetitia” o “La alegría del amor”, el Papa Francisco reafirma vidas y cura muchas heridas, aunque su enfoque producirá confusión y conflicto.

Si la gente cree que en este documento el papa podría darle una dirección clara a los católicos divorciados que volvieron a casarse civilmente y buscan la comunión, se sentirán decepcionados. En vez de eso le habla de forma honesta e inesperada a un gran número de familias católicas que sienten que la iglesia se ha vuelto irrelevante en sus vidas.

Él es crítico con la iglesia por imponer muchas veces una visión rígida y poco realista de la vida conyugal.…  Seguir leyendo »

With his new apostolic exhortation, “Amoris Laetitia,” or “The Joy of Love,” Pope Francis affirms lives and heals wounds, even if his approach will produce confusion and conflict.

If people thought the pope might give clear direction for divorced and civilly remarried Roman Catholics seeking communion, they will be disappointed. Instead he speaks in honest and unexpected ways to a great many Catholic families who feel the church has become irrelevant to their lives.

He is critical of the church for too often advancing a rigid and unrealistic vision of married life. “We need a healthy dose of self-criticism,” he says, for having “proposed a far too abstract and almost artificial theological ideal of marriage,” one that is “removed” from the real world and has made marriage less “desirable and attractive.”…  Seguir leyendo »