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Supporters of the former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva attend a rally in Curitiba, Brazil August 30, 2018. The sign reads “Free Lula.” (Reuters)

The Brazilian Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE) last week barred Brazil’s most popular politician — former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, known as “Lula” — from running for president in this fall’s national elections.

Why? Because Lulu is in jail, serving a 12-year sentence for corruption. Granted, the electoral tribunal’s decision could still be appealed. But the decision shakes up Brazil’s already unstable political situation. As a result, an authoritarian, outsider candidate who has promised to return Brazil to military rule may end up winning.

Here are six things to know about the upcoming elections.

1. Lula’s party could appeal the court’s decision

If Lula appeals the electoral tribunal’s ruling, the case would land in the hands of Brazil’s Supreme Court, which must announce its decision on his candidacy by Sept.…  Seguir leyendo »