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Moscow police may be getting to the bottom of a mystery that has rocked the Russian cultural scene: Who and what were behind a sulphuric-acid attack on the artistic director of the Bolshoi Ballet?

In January, an unknown assailant splashed the acid on the face of the director, Sergei Filin, as he was about to enter his Moscow apartment building. The attack seriously damaged the 42- year-old dancer’s eyesight. He has undergone repeated surgeries in Moscow and Germany.

Police this week detained three men in connection with the investigation: the previously obscure Andrei Lipatov and Yuri Zarutsky, and top Bolshoi dancer Pavel Dmitrichenko, whose roles include the lead in a production of “Ivan the Terrible.”…  Seguir leyendo »

Últimos requerimientos del fiscal, últimas alegaciones de la defensa: el proceso del "criminal" Jodorkovski y de su "cómplice" Platon Lébedev toca a su fin. La sentencia se dictará dentro de un mes, o dos, o tres..., el tiempo necesario para que las autoridades del Kremlin se pongan de acuerdo y tomen una decisión. Los rusos no se dejan engañar: un 40% (contra un 19%) saben que la sentencia ha sido cocinada en los "pasillos del poder".

El ex propietario del gigante petrolero Yukos, acusado de manera surrealista de haber "robado" ante las narices de todos un 20% de la producción total rusa entre 1998 y 2003 (es decir, medido en petroleros dos veces la vuelta del ecuador), es culpable.…  Seguir leyendo »