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Young boys known as the Cubs of the Caliphate march after graduating from a religious school in Tal Afar, northern Iraq. (Militant website/AP)

The Islamic State’s recruitment of children has been extensively and graphically documented. The militant group has used children as young as 7 as combatants, messengers, drivers and guards. Islamic State propaganda videos depict juvenile executioners from its “Cubs of the Caliphate” unit shooting prisoners at close range. Although the Islamic State has become notorious for its systematic indoctrination and use of children, media coverage has largely failed to acknowledge that it is but one of many armed groups in Syria and Iraq that have recruited underage girls and boys.

In a new study for United Nations University, I analyze patterns of child recruitment by 10 of the major armed groups participating in the geographically linked conflicts in Syria and Iraq.…  Seguir leyendo »

The world is failing a generation of Iraqi kids

Iraqi children have been the victims of the country’s dire political situation even before the start of the war led by the United States. The negative effects on children started with the harsh United Nations sanctions against the regime of Saddam Hussein and were considerably aggravated by the war, whose consequences are still felt.

Even now, hardly a week passes in Iraq without violence leaving both children and adults with permanent physical and mental scars. Experts such as Dr. Haithi al-Sady from the Psychological Research Center at Baghdad University have warned of the high number of children suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).…  Seguir leyendo »

El 20 de noviembre se conmemora el Día Mundial de la Infancia, y es una jornada que señala la fecha en la que la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas aprobó la Declaración de los derechos del niño (1959), y más tarde (1989) la Convención sobre los derechos del niño. Esta última es el instrumento internacional que más ratificaciones ha alcanzado (excepto EE UU y Somalia), e insta a proteger el derecho de los niños a la vida, la educación, la salud y otras necesidades fundamentales. Estas disposiciones que teóricamente se deben observar tanto en situación de paz como de guerra resultan ineficaces (la legislación no se hace efectiva) si no se aplican, y crean una situación de desprotección e indefensión real para los niños.…  Seguir leyendo »