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As summer ended, Macedonia declared a state of emergency and temporarily closed its borders with Greece and Serbia. The small Balkan nation joined much of Europe in a panicked, poorly considered and awkwardly implemented response to the asylum tragedy. Macedonia is a bit player in that crisis, which is assuming the dimensions of a new Voelkerwanderung – a mass movement of people the scale of which has not been seen on the continent since the Roman Empire crumbled. But as summer turns to fall, Macedonia must  quickly and constructively address its own domestic crisis, or risk violent confrontations.

Two shocks hit early this year: a scandal over leaked wiretaps that revealed a state apparatus captured and corrupted by the leading party; and a battle in the ethnically-mixed town of Kumanovo between police and ethnic-Albanian gunmen, many from Kosovo, that produced the region’s largest loss of life in a decade.…  Seguir leyendo »

Angelina Jolie’s new film, “In the Land of Blood and Honey,” is about the ethnic tensions that produced the bloodiest conflict in Europe since World War II. The film has already won two awards and is an emerging box-office success, attesting to the enduring interest – and perhaps mystery – that the Balkans hold for international audiences who were as horrified as they were confused by the events of the 1990’s.

For those of us who lived and worked in the region during that turbulent decade, the post-Yugoslav wars remain fresh wounds. As Jolie’s film so ably shows, neither the international community nor local leaders made a concerted effort to prevent bloodshed.…  Seguir leyendo »

Por Gregorio Morán (LA VANGUARDIA, 29/07/06):

Si a Ankara hay que verla como ciudad musulmana emergente y centro de un planeta en expansión como es Turquía, ¿qué pinta Tetovo? ¿Dónde demonios está Tetovo? Para acercarse a Tetovo, primero hay que situarse en los Balcanes, un volcán de erupciones periódicas. Luego ir a Macedonia, ese país cuyo solo nombre provocó una confrontación con Grecia, que tiene por capital una bonita ciudad provinciana llamada Skopje, y que constituye una de las sociedades más conflictivas de la explosiva región balcánica. Porque Macedonia es un país con dos sociedades, dos religiones, dos lenguas, dos maneras de ser, dos tradiciones, y así sucesivamente en todas las facetas de la vida, y eso sin contar otras minorías de turcos, búlgaros, gitanos...…  Seguir leyendo »