James Smith

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More than two years ago I met three women fleeing from Darfur to Chad. Their villages were burnt, they saw their husbands and children killed, and they were then gang raped, leaving two pregnant.

After trite words of sympathy I assured them the international community would bring protection; such atrocities would not be allowed to continue so soon after the genocide in Rwanda. World leaders who witnessed the atrocities in Darfur spoke strongly to Sudan’s Government. But the Sudanese, like the Serb nationalists a decade earlier, ignored these words and instead looked at the actions of these statesmen. The lack of action to back up the words told them they could get away with murder.…  Seguir leyendo »

The Guardian published an article that centred on a five-month-old report on the Murambi genocide site in Rwanda (Two years late and mired in controversy: the British memorial to Rwanda's past, November 13).

Two years late for what? It may have been desirable to open the memorial centre two years ago, but no opening date had been set. The Aegis Trust, a British charity, was asked by the Rwandan government to help convey the genocide story at Murambi, where 50,000 Tutsis were slaughtered in 1994. We do not drag our feet on such projects. We completed a much larger exhibition in Rwanda's main genocide museum, the Kigali Memorial Centre, in just four months in 2004; but remote Murambi poses a different set of challenges.…  Seguir leyendo »