Karel Schwarzenberg

Este archivo solo abarca los artículos del autor incorporados a este sitio a partir del 1 de diciembre de 2006. Para fechas anteriores realice una búsqueda entrecomillando su nombre.

This day five years ago, the European Union and Ukraine started negotiations on a groundbreaking new agreement with the aim of fostering Ukraine’s political association and economic integration with the E.U.

By now, we should have been able to celebrate a signed and ratified agreement, and a successful Ukraine making progress toward even closer cooperation with the E.U. Instead, we pass a new milestone on what is becoming a much too long and painful road.

In March 2007, hopes were high for a sustainable democratic development of Ukraine. Indeed, the country has been regarded as a beacon of democracy in the former Soviet Union and has a better track record of free and fair elections than most other countries in the region.…  Seguir leyendo »

There can be no business-as-usual between the European Union and Belarus’ president, Aleksandr Lukashenko, after what has happened since the presidential election in Belarus last Sunday.

In recent months, hope had grown that his words could be taken seriously. He promised to invite international observers to the election, and he delivered on the promise. He talked about giving the opposition some space during the election campaign, and there were some improvements.

The E.U. responded by suspending sanctions and with a generous offer of conditional political dialogue, economic cooperation and the possibility of financial assistance. It would have been in the interests of both Europe and the people of Belarus to continue.…  Seguir leyendo »

La crítica situación que sigue prevaleciendo en Darfur está ocasionando un sufrimiento inmenso a su pueblo. Ambos bandos del conflicto -el Gobierno de Sudán y sus fuerzas aliadas, así como todos los grupos de la oposición de Darfur- han de comprender que los civiles no deberían ser víctimas de sus disputas políticas.

El consentimiento del Gobierno sudanés al despliegue de la misión híbrida de Naciones Unidas y Unión Africana (UA), destinada a mantener la paz en la región, es, por supuesto, un acontecimiento grato. Pero el mandato de esta misión debe ser lo bastante firme como para permitir una protección total de la población civil.…  Seguir leyendo »

The critical conditions that prevail in Darfur are causing immense suffering. Both sides of the conflict - the government of Sudan and its allied forces, as well as all the opposition groups in Darfur - must understand that civilians should no longer fall victim to their political disputes.The Sudanese government's consent to the deployment of the UN/African Union mission, which aims to keep peace in the region, is a welcome development. But the mandate of this mission must be strong enough to allow for full protection of civilians. Moreover, the force must have sufficient manpower and funding to put this vital objective into practice.…  Seguir leyendo »