Lynne Olson

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Es bien sabido que el modelo que George Bush considera digno de imitación, por encima de todos, es Jesucristo, pero que Winston Churchill le sigue muy de cerca. El presidente de EEUU, quien ha comparado Irak con la II Guerra Mundial, admira al ex primer ministro británico hasta el punto de que tiene «un busto de mirada severa» suyo en el Despacho Oval. Reflexioné muchísimo en torno a Churchill cuando trabajaba en mi libro Troublesome Young Men [Jóvenes incordiantes], un relato acerca de un grupo de parlamentarios británicos que se opusieron a la política de Chamberlain con Hitler, obligándole a presentar su dimisión en mayo de 1940 y que contribuyeron a convertir a Churchill en su sucesor.…  Seguir leyendo »

George Bush's favourite role model is, famously, Jesus, but Winston Churchill is close behind. The US president - who was yesterday again comparing the struggle in Iraq with the allies' efforts in the second world war - admires the wartime prime minister so much that he keeps what he calls "a stern-looking bust" of Churchill in the Oval Office. "He watches my every move," Bush jokes. These days, Churchill would probably not care for much of what he sees.

I thought a great deal about Churchill while working on my book Troublesome Young Men, a history of the small group of Conservative MPs who defied Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasing Hitler, forced Chamberlain to resign in May 1940, and helped make Churchill his successor.…  Seguir leyendo »