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‘It will become lethally dangerous to handle, let alone publish, documents from US government sources.’ Protesters in Rome urge the UK not to extradite Julian Assange. Photograph: Simona Granati/Corbis/Getty Images

In the course of the next few days, Priti Patel will make the most important ruling on free speech made by any home secretary in recent memory. She must resolve whether to comply with a US request to extradite Julian Assange on espionage charges.

The consequences for Assange will be profound. Once in the US he will almost certainly be sent to a maximum-security prison for the rest of his life. He will die in jail.

The impact on British journalism will also be profound. It will become lethally dangerous to handle, let alone publish, documents from US government sources. Reporters who do so, and their editors, will risk the same fate as Assange and become subject to extradition followed by lifelong incarceration.…  Seguir leyendo »

Julian Assange, el fundador de Wikileaks, está en las noticias nuevamente, esta vez después de el ex banquero suizo Rudolf Elmer le hiciera entrega de los registros confidenciales de alrededor de 2.000 personas ricas que, según él, contienen evidencias de lavado de dinero y evasión fiscal. Elmer fue rápidamente declarado culpable de violar las leyes de secreto bancario de Suiza, pero pocos periodistas han exigido que Assange sea procesado por su papel en el asunto. Eso, al parecer, ocurre sólo en los Estados Unidos.

Allí, en medio del debate sobre la continua divulgación de cables clasificados del Departamento de Estado de EE.UU.,…  Seguir leyendo »