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The revelations from Libya show just how far we are from touching the bottom of British complicity in rendition and torture. For anyone who had hoped that, 10 years on from the catastrophic attacks on the United States which kicked off the "war on terror" we might be starting to come to terms with the abuses carried out in our name and put them behind us, the depressing news is that we seem to be further than ever from doing so.

With the caveat that these documents have yet to be fully verified, it would appear that we have been given yet another insight into our own security services getting mixed up in some of the truly appalling abuses carried out by an odious regime.…  Seguir leyendo »

Pongamos nombre y avergoncemos a esos peligrosos, endebles, complacientes e hipócritas liberales que ponen en peligro la seguridad nacional del Reino Unido, sus intereses vitales y la seguridad personal de sus ciudadanos. ¿Quiénes son? Lord Igor Judge, juez-presidente del Tribunal de Apelaciones de Inglaterra y Gales; Lord Neuberger, Master of the Rolls, que preside la Sala Civil; Sir Anthony May, presidente de Queen's Bench, la Sala Penal; y los magistrados Lord Thomas y Lloyd Jones.

¿No se dan cuenta de que estamos en guerra? ¿No comprenden que sus sentencias simplistas obstaculizan los esfuerzos de los servicios de seguridad para salvar al Reino Unido de una amenaza constante, ponen en peligro su importantísimo intercambio de informaciones con Estados Unidos y reconfortan a sus enemigos?…  Seguir leyendo »