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The global struggle against the coronavirus pandemic has prompted some governments to close their borders and retreat from multilateralism, and instead implement protectionist policies and trade restrictions. African countries are taking a different approach. To combat the spread of infection while minimizing social and economic disruptions, Africa is promoting multilateralism through cooperation and coordination among its countries.

The analysis in “African Development, African Transformation” presents evidence of the emergence of collaborative institutions and initiatives in Africa and their capacity to influence development outcomes and international cooperation. Studying continental programs such as the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), which is complemented by the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM), reveals how certain core factors help explain multilateralism’s rise in Africa.…  Seguir leyendo »

En 2018, 44 países firmaron el Tratado de Libre Comercio Africano en una cumbre extraordinaria en Kigali. Hoy hay 54 signatarios. El acuerdo creará un entorno económico libre de aranceles para impulsar el crecimiento de los negocios, fomentar el comercio intracontinental, hacer crecer la industrialización y crear empleos. Para mitigar las consecuencias económicas del COVID-19, los países que integran la Unión Africana (UA) y las instituciones del continente deberían implementar el tratado AfCFTA prontamente.

El AfCFTA prepara el camino para que África –con 1.200 millones de personas y un PIB acumulado de 2,5 billones de dólares- se convierta en el mercado común más grande del mundo.…  Seguir leyendo »