Dean Obeidallah

Este archivo solo abarca los artículos del autor incorporados a este sitio a partir del 1 de diciembre de 2006. Para fechas anteriores realice una búsqueda entrecomillando su nombre.

"The United States is coming to an end. The question is how." Those are the jarring opening lines of Canadian author Stephen Marche's new book, "The Next Civil War: Dispatches from the American Future." Released the same week as the anniversary of the January 6 attack on our Capitol that signaled how dangerous our political polarization has become, Marche's book shares different scenarios of how the United States could collapse.

Marche isn't the only Canadian worried about their southern neighbor's future. Just days before Marche's book released, political scientist Thomas Homer-Dixon -- the executive director of the Cascade Institute, which focuses on ways to address threats to society -- penned a powerful op-ed in Canada's "Globe and Mail" that begins with a similar warning.…  Seguir leyendo »

Czech Prime Minister and founding leader of ANO Andrej Babis votes on October 8.

Want to save our democracy from Trumpism? One approach is to follow the blueprint that led to last week's surprising defeat of Czech Republic Prime Minister Andrej Babis, who's also known as the Czech Donald Trump.

Babis, a billionaire tycoon at the forefront of Czech politics since 2011, was elected as prime minister in 2017. He's spewed anti-immigrant rhetoric, proposed disbanding the Czech Senate and was a loud critic of Western European alliances like the EU -- all while being a fan of Hungary's far-right leader Viktor Orban. Just before the election, the right-wing populist was also accused of controversial business dealings -- allegations Babis in essence dubbed "fake news".…  Seguir leyendo »

With the President of Afghanistan fleeing the nation Sunday morning, the Taliban is effectively in control of Afghanistan. While people can -- and are -- trying to score political points over who is at fault for the fall of Afghanistan, it's clear from President Joe Biden's statement on Saturday that after 20 years of US troops fighting in Afghanistan, he would not "pass this war onto a fifth" president.

That means for all concerned with protecting the over 19 million women in Afghanistan from the Taliban's brutal treatment of women, there's no longer a US military option to do that. The best approach at this point is enlisting our Muslim allies such as Pakistan, Jordan and others to pressure the Taliban "Muslim to Muslim" to stop its oppression of women.…  Seguir leyendo »

El expresidente Barack Obama publicó su lista de libros favoritos de 2019. El expresidente, que era conocido por leer una hora al día hacia el final de su presidencia, hizo una selección que, según dijo en Instagram, es parte de el “tejido que ayuda a formar una vida” y con suerte puede “mejorar nuestras experiencias cotidianas”.

Qué contraste con la lista de libros del presidente Donald Trump, que recientemente promocionó en Twitter.

Si bien los libros que recomienda Obama harán que los lectores estén más completos e informados, la lista de Trump está llena de libros que harán que el lector se enoje y apoye más a Trump.…  Seguir leyendo »

We have all seen a great deal of hypocrisy from politicians, pundits and the like. But there's a new king of hypocrisy: al Qaeda.

On Wednesday, al Qaeda released a video featuring Nasr Ibn Ali al-Ansi, one of its top commanders in Yemen, claiming responsibility for the horrific attack last week on the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. He gave two reasons for the attack.

First, he claimed it was in revenge for Charlie Hebdo's printing of cartoons lampooning the Prophet Mohammed. Al-Ansi then went on to state in much greater detail that the attack was in response to France and the West killing Muslims: "We will tell you once again ...…  Seguir leyendo »

Miley Cyrus es adicta. La "droga" de la que nunca se sacia tiene el potencial de ser una de las más peligrosas: la fama.

Apuesto a que Miley ni siquiera se molestará conmigo por decir esto sobre ella. ¿Por qué? Porque su nombre aparece en el título de este artículo. Y porque yo, de alguna manera -junto con el resto de los medios de comunicación- fomentamos dicha adicción.

Sin embargo, Miley no es la única persona con ansias de fama. Estados Unidos es un país que está lleno de gente como Miley. Simplemente tienes que ver cualquier episodio de "Real Housewives of _____", las audiciones de "American Idol", "The X Factor", etc.…  Seguir leyendo »

Christianity in America is being hijacked. The faith known for Jesus Christ's teaching of "love thy neighbor as yourself" is in danger of being redefined by the far right as: "Hate the gays, Mormons and Muslims."

Just this past weekend, Christian missionaries -- including members of the organization Bible Believers -- traveled to one of the biggest Arab-American festivals in the country to taunt Muslims. These so-called Christians held up a pig's head while spewing hateful words about Islam. In the past, they have also attacked Catholicism as a "false doctrine."

If they were the only Christians spewing hate, they could simply be ignored.…  Seguir leyendo »