Salil Shetty

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Pardon Edward Snowden

Edward J. Snowden, the American who has probably left the biggest mark on public policy debates during the Obama years, is today an outlaw. Mr. Snowden, a former National Security Agency contractor who disclosed to journalists secret documents detailing the United States’ mass surveillance programs, faces potential espionage charges, even though the president has acknowledged the important public debate his revelations provoked.

Mr. Snowden’s whistle-blowing prompted reactions across the government. Courts found the government wrong to use Section 215 of the Patriot Act to justify mass phone data collection. Congress replaced that law with the USA Freedom Act, improving transparency about government surveillance and limiting government power to collect certain records.…  Seguir leyendo »

Edward J. Snowden hablando a una audiencia del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts, en julio. Credit Kayana Szymczak para The New York Times

Edward Snowden es el estadounidense que probablemente haya dejado la huella más profunda en el debate político durante los años del gobierno de Obama.

Snowden, quien dejó la Agencia Nacional de Seguridad tras entregar documentos secretos que detallaban los programas de vigilancia masiva de Estados Unidos a varios periodistas, se enfrenta a una acusación por espionaje aunque el propio presidente ha reconocido que sus revelaciones desataron un debate público importante.

Las filtraciones de Snowden provocaron reacciones en todos los niveles del gobierno. La justicia decidió que el gobierno no debía utilizar la Patriot Act para justificar la recopilación masiva de datos.…  Seguir leyendo »

Aftab Bahadur was 15 years old when a Pakistani court found him guilty of killing three people and sentenced him to death.

His sentence followed a farcical trial. Bahadur had always maintained his innocence and said he was tortured into a "confession". His co-accused Ghulam Mustafa, who falsely implicated him during the trial, later retracted his statement, admitting that police had beaten him.

On June 10 of last year, after almost 24 agonizing years on death row, Bahadur drew his last breath as he was hanged in a jail in Lahore. He had been dragged to the gallows a handful of times before and saved at the last minute, but not this time.…  Seguir leyendo »

"In Madaya, you see walking skeletons."

This is the nightmare lived by Mohammad, a resident of a small besieged town in Syria as told to Amnesty International. "The children are always crying," he said.

"Every day, I feel that I will faint and not wake up again."

"I have a wife and three children. We eat once every two days to make sure that whatever we buy doesn't run out. On other days, we have water and salt and sometimes the leaves from trees."

It is the kind of horror refugees are fleeing all over the world.

The millions of refugees from Syria, Eritrea, Myanmar and elsewhere -- living in limbo or braving desperate journeys in search of asylum -- are, for many of us, the most visible symbol of how governments are stripping people of fundamental human rights, in this case the right to seek safe haven.…  Seguir leyendo »

In September 2014, a 19-year-old woman whom I will call Aisha was celebrating a friend’s wedding in a small village in northeastern Nigeria when Boko Haram attacked. The fighters killed the groom and many of the male guests. They abducted Aisha, along with other women, including her sister and the bride.

They were taken to a Boko Haram camp in Gulak, Adamawa State, home to about 100 other abducted girls. Over the three months she was held captive, Aisha was raped repeatedly, sometimes by groups of up to six fighters. She was taught to use firearms, detonate bombs and attack villages.…  Seguir leyendo »

On May 28, 2014, some 7,000 people gathered in a stadium in China's northwestern Xinjiang region. But they had not come to watch the local football team or any other grand sporting event. Instead, the authorities paraded scores of prisoners dressed in orange jumpsuits. Armed soldiers guarded the exits. In the patently unfair, open air trial that followed, 55 people were found guilty of a range of offenses linked to violent attacks in the region and jailed. Three were sentenced to death.

The public mass sentencing was part a China's "Strike Hard" campaign against unrest in Xinjiang, a campaign the government claims was launched to combat "terrorism" and "separatism."…  Seguir leyendo »

Unshackle the United Nations

Glance at any newsstand or catch any rolling news channel, and you will be confronted by a seemingly unrelenting tide of horror. Limp bodies pulled from rubble, shells and barrel bombs pounding once leafy neighborhoods. Refugees huddled for warmth or risking life and limb for survival. Mass abductions and beheadings.

From Ukraine to Nigeria, from Libya to Syria, the last 12 months have been a year of harrowing bloodshed. Millions of civilians have been caught up in conflict, with violence by states and armed groups inflicting untold death, injury and suffering. For the first time, Amnesty International has tallied the number of countries where war crimes have been committed: a shocking 18 in 2014.…  Seguir leyendo »

Cette année, une chaise vide trônera à la cérémonie de remise du Prix Nobel de la paix. Lors de cet événement plus que centenaire, célébré en grande pompe devant un parterre d’un millier d’invités et de personnalités réunis pour l’occasion, la chaise du lauréat de l’année 2010, Liu Xiaobo, restera vide.

Liu Xiaobo aurait pris place sur le podium, aux côtés des membres du Comité du Prix Nobel de la paix, dans l’immense hôtel de ville d’Oslo, pour recevoir la récompense en hommage à son inlassable plaidoyer pacifique en faveur des droits fondamentaux en Chine.

Il aurait délivré son discours, reçu sa médaille et son diplôme et renouvelé son appel en faveur d’une réforme politique et juridique pacifique en Chine.…  Seguir leyendo »

Hawa se puso de parto la noche del 18 de marzo del 2008 en un pueblo del distrito de Koinadugu, Sierra Leona. Acudió a la clínica local para dar a luz, pero surgieron complicaciones graves y la trabajadora de salud local le aconsejó ir al hospital de Kabala, a 16 kilómetros de distancia, donde podría recibir asistencia especializada.

Pero surgieron más problemas. El centro de salud no disponía de ningún vehículo ni de teléfono o radio para llamar a uno, con lo que Hawa dependía de sí misma para llegar al hospital. Su familia comenzó inmediatamente a reunir dinero para pagar el transporte y llevarla al hospital.…  Seguir leyendo »