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Vehículos sumergidos en la localidad de São Leopoldo, en el Estado brasileño Rio Grande do Sul.Andre Penner (AP)

Cuando la lluvia se hizo omnipresente y las aguas empezaron a subir en Porto Alegre, la capital del Estado más al sur de Brasil, hacía solo dos semanas que mi amiga había salido del hospital. Se recuperaba de una operación particularmente difícil para una mujer, la extirpación de un pecho para eliminar un tumor cancerígeno, lo que ya es entrar en territorio desconocido. Entonces las aguas empezaron a subir y subir, los bajos del edificio se inundaron, se fue la luz, el agua que sobraba fuera faltaba en los grifos. Las reservas de alimentos se acabarían en tres días, pero mi amiga ya no podía salir de casa ni pedir ayuda a sus hijos, porque el edificio estaba aislado.…  Seguir leyendo »

Restos de la vivienda de Patricia Araya, funcionaria del Jardín Botánico de Viña del Mar, afectada por el fuego, el pasado día 5.Adriana Thomasa (EFE)

¿Cómo llorar la muerte de un árbol solitario, cuando bosques enteros se queman a mansalva? ¿Y cómo hacerlo en una nación como Chile, donde cientos de seres humanos acaban de morir y muchos más han quedado heridos en la reciente conflagración abrasadora que ha devorado miles de hectáreas y demolido innumerables viviendas en vastas regiones de mi atribulado país?

Y, sin embargo, desde el amparo de mi casa en Santiago, a cien kilómetros de las carbonizaciones, por mucho que me horrorizaba la devastación que iba cobrando ingentes vidas y medios de subsistencia, no pude evitar preocuparme por un árbol en particular, una de las tantas víctimas desapercibidas de la catástrofe.…  Seguir leyendo »

Para que el Fondo de Pérdidas y Daños funcione

Al estilo de «We Are the World» (la exitosa canción de 1985 que vendió en todo el mundo más de veinte millones de copias), en la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (COP28) de Dubái se lanzó «Lasting Legacy» (Legado duradero). El himno benéfico oficial presenta a trece artistas de todo el mundo que cantan sobre la unidad, la cooperación y la acción climática.

Un legado de la COP28 que la canción debería conmemorar es la creación del Fondo de Pérdidas y Daños, un nuevo canal de financiación multilateral para ayudar a los países en desarrollo a enfrentar los crecientes costos de tormentas, olas de calor, inundaciones, avalanchas, incendios forestales, sequías, el aumento del nivel de los mares, la pérdida de biodiversidad y la desertificación.…  Seguir leyendo »

People watching an eruption at the Fagradalsfjall volcano 40km west of Reykjavík, Iceland, March 2021. Photograph: Jeremie Richard/AFP/Getty Images

In July 2023, I followed a parade of people to what felt like a carnival on the Reykjanes peninsula, where three eruptions have taken place in the past three years. On the hill overlooking the volcano there was a photoshoot for a skin product, on the other side someone was making a music video and next to them two Chinese women were posing in evening gowns. Another couple had set up a table with a white cloth and were enjoying a romantic dinner. The air was buzzing with drones and helicopters and a leading tourist operator hoped the eruption would last into the autumn so he could offer volcanic northern lights tours.…  Seguir leyendo »

Damage caused from earthquakes and magma beneath the town of Grindavik, on November 22. Residents have been evacuated amid an imminent volcanic eruption. Micah Garen/Getty Images

I remember the first time I experienced an earthquake in Iceland. I ran for the nearest door frame – that’s what you’re supposed to do, right? – under the sloped ceilings of my attic apartment in one of Reykjavík’s iconic bárujárn houses.

I remember being frightfully aware of my fate should the old timber frame and corrugated iron siding decide to simply give way.

The shaking ended in seconds, but my knees quaked and my heart raced a while longer.

I remember the first time I saw an active volcano. It was the eruption of Fimmvörðuháls in March 2010; the precursor to the infamous Eyjafjallajökull eruption that began just a month later, spewing forth ash and memes about its impossible-to-pronounce name in equal measure.…  Seguir leyendo »

A crack in a road in the fishing town of Grindavík, which was evacuated due to volcanic activity, in Iceland on Wednesday. (Marko Djurica/Reuters)

It is a surreal state, padding to the kitchen to blend a smoothie, while less than 25 miles away the ground is poised to split open and swallow a village.

The wild prospect — too huge to grasp, really — is that we residents of Reykjavík, Iceland’s capital, now live next to a reawakened volcanic system that might erupt any day, and every few months for the next few years, or even decades. It had lain dormant for 800 years until it rumbled back to life 2½ years ago.

More than 3,000 people have fled their homes as earthquakes portend an eruption.…  Seguir leyendo »

Lahaina, Hawaii, in the aftermath of the wildfire. Go Nakamura for The New York Times

The August wildfire that roared through the town of Lahaina in Hawaii burned so hot that some of the dead were effectively cremated, their bones combusting to unidentifiable ash. Other bodies may have been lost in the Pacific Ocean, into which many of those fleeing the inferno were forced to plunge. As of Sept. 22, 97 people have been confirmed dead, but the Maui Police Department still lists 22 people as missing.

That’s a common pattern in the aftermath of disasters. In Morocco, families are still desperately searching for hundreds of loved ones after a devastating earthquake, while thousands in Libya are missing after two dams collapsed in a heavy rainstorm.…  Seguir leyendo »

Por qué en la India las mujeres son más vulnerables a las catástrofes naturales

De las muchas catástrofes naturales que afectan cada año a la India, las inundaciones son, por lejos, las más frecuentes. Esto no sorprende, dado que en el país hay cerca de 40 millones de hectáreas de terrenos inundables, y casi de 75 % de las precipitaciones anuales ocurre en unos pocos meses.

Pero, con el aumento de la frecuencia y gravedad de las catástrofes naturales debido a las mayores temperaturas, las inundaciones en la India se tornaron más destructivas y mortales (y los ciclones ganaron intensidad). El país sufre la mayor cantidad de muertes relacionadas con inundaciones de Asia, y los daños económicos causados por las inundaciones pasaron de USD 1400 millones en 2013 a USD 11 500 millones en 2020.…  Seguir leyendo »

Rescue teams search through the rubble in the eastern city of Soussa, Libya on Sep. 21, following deadly flash floods. OZAN KOSE/AFP via Getty Images

On Sunday, Sept. 10, Libya suffered its worst natural disaster in living memory. In fact, more people died that day than in any battle of Libya’s wars of post-Qaddafi succession.

Starting in the early morning hours, heavy rains strafed the eastern city of Derna, causing two nearby dams to burst—flooding everything downstream. Two weeks later, the scale of the disaster has come into more precise focus: The Libyan Red Crescent reports more than 11,000 people are dead; 10,000 people are still missing; and 30,000 are now homeless. Aerial footage of the city reveals utter devastation—replete with floating corpses and bereft families.…  Seguir leyendo »

Is the Disaster in Libya Coming Soon to an Aging Dam Near You?

The collapse of two dams in Libya, unleashing torrential floodwaters that left at least 3,000 people dead and over 4,200 still missing, was both predicted and preventable. And they won’t be the last big dams to collapse unless we remove and repair some of the aging and obsolete structures that are long past their expiration date.

Like many dams around the world, the Wadi Derna dams in Libya were built in the 1970s during the era of peak global dam construction, when 1,000 large dams were installed each year. Now most of these dams are reaching the end of their life spans.…  Seguir leyendo »

Floods after the Mediterranean storm Daniel hit Libya's eastern city of Derna have killed thousands. (AFP/Getty Images)

Apocalyptic visions are dominated by fire. The Bible prophesies sinners being cast into a lake of flame. Nostradamus predicted fire from the sky. Manhattan Project scientists worried that the atomic bomb would set the entire atmosphere ablaze.

But this year has been a devastating reminder of the power and menace of water. Water scientists have a saying that if climate change is a shark, water will be the teeth. Now the world is being bitten, with news every day of extreme storms and killer floods.

The storm that burst dams and killed thousands in Libya this week also submerged a quarter of the farmland in Greece, dumping more than a year’s rain in hours.…  Seguir leyendo »

A man surveys the damage in Derna, Libya, on Sept. 12. Esam Omran Al-Fetori/Reuters

This week, the worst storm in recent memory pounded the Green Mountains in eastern Libya with rain, pushing two poorly maintained, half-century-old dams to their limit. Just before 3 a.m. on Sept. 11, the first dam collapsed. An enormous wall of water surged into a riverbed that bisects the coastal city of Derna. It stalled briefly at the second dam eight miles downstream and then scooped that and everything else up in its path, tossing the debris into the sea. By dawn, a third of the city was gone, leaving thousands missing. The minimum number of dead is likely to be at least 10,000 but could be double that, local officials say.…  Seguir leyendo »

Des secouristes transportent une femme blessée par une réplique, dans la ville d'Imi N'tala, à l'extérieur de Marrakech, au Maroc, mercredi 13 septembre 2023. — © MOSA'AB ELSHAMY / AP

Pendant que la France se vexe, prenant mal le silence du Maroc face à sa proposition d’aide après le terrible tremblement de terre qu’ont vécu Marrakech et sa région, d’autres pays comme l’Espagne, les Emirats arabes unis ou le Qatar ont déjà pu accéder aux zones sinistrées pour tenter de venir en aide aux personnes en détresse. Une fois encore, un pays comme le Qatar, qui déjà mène depuis des années une stratégie offensive de médiateur de crises, assoit son rôle d’acteur humanitaire de premier plan sur plusieurs continents. Le contexte est celui d’un multilatéralisme en déroute depuis plusieurs années, de l’affaiblissement des grandes puissances, et du retour en puissance des acteurs régionaux, sans compter les microconfettis étatiques qui se rêvent en acteurs géopolitiques incontournables de l’échiquier mondial.…  Seguir leyendo »

Women huddle after gendarmes used water cannon and teargas against them during clashes over deforestation in Ikizkoy, Muğla province, Turkey. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

This summer, as Rhodes was ravaged by wildfires and the world witnessed the destruction of precious trees and fragile ecosystems, on the opposite shore in Turkey, only miles away, ancient forests were being felled for the sake of more coal, more profit. But what the energy company hadn’t reckoned with was the resistance of local women.

Akbelen, in the province of Muğla, is a woodland of about 730 hectares (1,800 acres) that provides a natural habitat for a diverse range of flora and fauna. It is this beautiful place that YK Energy, a private energy company, has been aiming to occupy in order to expand an open-pit lignite mine to supply a thermal power plant.…  Seguir leyendo »

It Is No Longer Possible to Escape What We Have Done to Ourselves

On the drive to our cottage here in June, my wife and I collided with the dense wall of Canadian wildfire smoke. The clear spring air began turning a sickly orange in the Adirondack Mountains, the sun was reduced to a red spot, and by the time we reached Montreal the skyline was barely visible from across the St. Lawrence River. On that day, June 25, Montreal had the worst air quality in the world.

Up at our lake, we soon learned to track the sheets of smoke online as they swept across Canada, down into the United States and even across the Atlantic Ocean.…  Seguir leyendo »

The aftermath of the wildfire that swept through Lahaina, Hawaii. Etienne Laurent/EPA, via Shutterstock

Hawaii has one of the most sophisticated tsunami warning systems in the world, fine-tuned over the course of almost 80 years, ever since 1946, when a 55-foot wave hit the island chain, killing 159 people.

For decades, tsunami evacuation maps have appeared in every Hawaiian telephone directory. Signs have alerted beachgoers of the hazard zones; others identified escape routes. The state now has an emergency alert system for all disasters that not only relies on sirens, which get tested on the first working day of every month everywhere in Hawaii, but also on radio and TV broadcasts. It is a system designed to save lives when disaster is about to strike.…  Seguir leyendo »

Tras los incendios, Hawái se reinventará de nuevo

La catástrofe que arrasó la semana pasada la querida población de Lahaina, al oeste de Maui, trae consigo el amargo sabor del desconcierto.

El incendio de la maleza se mezcló con unos vientos fuertes azotados por un huracán lejano y, de la noche a la mañana, la histórica ciudad había desaparecido, convertida en humo y cenizas. Un exuberante paisaje acuarelado está ahora redibujado en blanco y negro. Al menos 99 personas han muerto, y muchas más están desaparecidas.

Un huracán quemó una ciudad. Es todo muy extraño y terrible.

Vivir en Hawái el tiempo suficiente te familiariza con las catástrofes repentinas, del tipo que pueden arrasar una comunidad en una semana, un día o un instante.…  Seguir leyendo »

A fishing boat weighted with rocks lies stationary in the Euphrates river near a pedestrian bridge amidst a heavy dust storm in the city of Nasiriyah in Iraq's southern Dhi Qar province on 23 May 2022. Photo by ASAAD NIAZI/AFP via Getty Images.

12 July 2023 marks the first-ever International Day of Combating Sand and Dust Storms (SDS). The recent United Nations designation is indicative of concern about the growing severity and widespread effects of these hazards.

In 2022, dust storms affected countries from Turkey to Oman, hitting Iraq particularly badly. While orange skies are a natural climatic feature of the region, the severity, frequency and duration of the dust storms in recent years has drawn attention to what is changing.

Dust storms occur in arid and semi-arid environments when winds whip up, suspend and transport loose soil particles. Dust storm particles are less than 0.05 mm in diameter and can be transported thousands of kilometres, distinguishing them from sandstorm particles which are larger and travel, at most, a few kilometres.…  Seguir leyendo »

Why are people dying at sea?

Before the Adriana, an overcrowded fishing trawler, left Libya on 9 June, Sajjad Yousef spoke to his father. His family had begged him not to make the treacherous journey from Pakistan to Europe. But Yousef wouldn’t listen. He wanted to leave the desolation of life in Pakistan far, far behind. It was hard, the journey would be rough, he knew that. His family had taken out loans in the millions of rupees to buy him space on that teeming trawler, and Yousef was ready to take his chance.

Most of the 750 people on board the trawler were Pakistani. They were migrants, fleeing poverty and lack of opportunity but also the ravages of the climate emergency, which is felt acutely in Pakistan.…  Seguir leyendo »

Para reconstruir Turquía, primero hay que reconstruir su democracia

Los devastadores terremotos que en febrero mataron más de 50.000 personas en Turquía (y, al menos, más de 7.000 en el norte de Siria) dejaron expuestos arraigados problemas en los preparativos para las elecciones presidenciales y parlamentarias de este 14 de mayo que bien podrían marcar época. Hoy parece claro que Turquía necesita más que un cambio de gobierno; precisa de una transformación fundamental de su política y su economía, lo que significa enfrentarse a los potentes grupos de presión del sector de la construcción e intentar reconstruir la tambaleante democracia del país.

Aunque los terremotos fueron actos de la naturaleza, la devastación que causaron fue el resultado de la corrupción existente en este sector industrial y otros más.…  Seguir leyendo »